[CodeProject] Newsletter (6 Dec 2010)

200 articles this week
For comments or enquiries please contact webmaster@codeproject.com View online Monday, December 6, 2010

Welcome to this week's newsletter from The Code Project.

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Site News

After some astonishing submissions our Hardware Competition has ended. It went so well, we're doing a second competition where we will focus on beginners articles on hardware and device programming. Here are the proud winners of robots:

First Prize IanJ1965Radio Control Transmitter - Joystick
Prize pool Bioloid Robot Kit
Second Prize Amro Fawzy3G Modem Internet Dialer
Prize pool The RoboTurret Vision Tracking Kit
Third Prize grilialexAVRILOS: A simple OS for AVR microcontrollers
Prize pool RFID Reader

We also have some winners to announce in our ongoing Windows Azure App Competition. Some great submissions so far but we can't wait to see more.

And don't forget, all you have to do for our Windows Phone 7 competition is to write a WP7 article or share a WP7 app, and you could win a Windows Phone 7 phone or ultra light laptop.

Chris Maunder

The Code Project Offers

Click HereGet the Ultimate UI Controls Toolset
NetAdvantage® Ultimate will give .NET developers the ultimate advantage at the lowest price to create User Interfaces w/ control toolsets for LOB, data visualization + future technologies incl HTML5, Mobile, jQuery & Reporting. Download from Infragistics!
Click HereWebinars: Connect your existing source control system to SQL Server
Learn how to source control your SQL development using Red Gate's SQL Source Control, an SSMS add-in that integrates SVN, TFS, VSS and Vault with SQL Server. Details and registration.
Click HereFrom the makers of Intel® VTune™ Performance Analyzer and Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler comes Intel® Parallel Studio XE: a combination of Intel® C++ and Fortran compilers; libraries; and error-checking, security, and profiling tools.
Click HereNew Silverlight Dashboards, Charting & Data Visualization!
ComponentArt's latest technology allows you to present, navigate and visualize your data like never before. See Your Data In a Whole New Light Today.
Click hereThe Cloud Zone on The Code Project – Explores the uses of cloud computing. Take a look at the key players and delve into specifics like Data Services, SaaS, and Azure. Learn More!
Click HereWindows Azure Introductory Special is the easiest way to get started. Includes a fixed amount of services at no cost after which you just pay at standard consumption rates. Learn more.

Weekly Poll Results

Should developers ensure their applications allow exchange of data with other applications of the same type?

Survey period: 29 Nov 2010 to 6 Dec 2010

Should we be required to provide the means to import and export data from our applications to ensure uses aren't locked into a single application?

Yes, we should provide as rich an import and export experience as possible12921.18129 votes, 21.18%
Yes, if there are open standards for the data we should provide import and export of that standard format29648.60296 votes, 48.60%
Yes, but we should only be required to export data that has been input or imported, and not export any extra data our application has added416.7341 votes, 6.73%
No11919.54119 votes, 19.54%

View optional text answers (38 answers)

This week's survey: Do you have a computer science desgree?

Most popular new articles 29 Nov 2010 - 6 Dec 2010

Latest Additions

200 articles overall 166 new, 78 updated, 1 moved. 18 were edited, 182 unedited
Article topics listed: C++

Too many articles? Visit your profile page to change your newsletter article filters.

New articles added


  • Configuring printer settings programmatically - Apriorit Inc, Alexandr Sirenko
    In this article, I will describe the method of setting the printer settings and the problems I faced on different OS versions. (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Dev, QA

C / C++ Language


  • MFC GDI drawing using Pen and Brush - sirama2004
    This beginners article shows the usage of Pen and Brush GDI objects and How do we use it. (Unedited)
    C++ (VC6, VC7), Windows, MFC

Internet / Network

Macros and Add-ins

Programming Tips

Threads, Processes & IPC

  • Monitoring of logon/logout in terminal and client sessions - Apriorit Inc, Elizaveta Golub
    This article includes a description of the monitoring process for the session logon/logout, connect/disconnect (regarding terminal and client sessions). Obtained results will be then used in the next article "Creating process in the session". (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Architect, Dev, Threading, Process, multithreading, Boost

  • Starting process in the logged session under the local system account - Apriorit Inc, Elizaveta Golub
    This article contains the description of how to start a process in the current active session on session logon notification event with permissions of system process running in the current session. (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Architect, Dev, Threading, Process, multithreading, Boost

Articles updated added

Dialogs and Windows

C / C++ Language


  • Reading UTF-8 with C++ streams - Emilio Garavaglia
    A locale codecvt facet from char to wchar_t (Unedited)
    C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0), Windows, STL, Dev, Design

Tips and Tricks added

DLLs & Assemblies

Programming Tips

String handling

Technical blogs added

Windows Communication Foundation

  • TFS vs. Subversion fact check - Martin Hinshelwood
    I spotted a good comparison of TFS vs. Subversion by Jarosław Dobrzański on DZone (you can also read the original post) but I feel that a couple of the points were either out of date, or borne out of a lack of knowledge of the product, or even more likely I just missed the point. This article was ta (Unedited)

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