[CodeProject] Daily News - Allegations regarding OpenBSD IPSEC. Backdoors in FreeBSD for the Feds?

Your morning update: Daily News - Allegations regarding OpenBSD IPSEC. Backdoors in FreeBSD for the Feds?
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

Cloud fortress.
Source: CNN
What can we learn from the Gawker hack?
Source: Coding Horror
...in blocking socially-engineered attacks.
Source: PCWorld
Four passwords will keep you free.
Source: Technology Review
Did the feds pay for backdoors in the networking stack?
Source: marc.info

Developer News

How do you make websites mobile compatible?
Source: A List Apart
"Careless computing" in the cloud.
Source: guardian.co.uk
Ruby hosting 101.
Source: RubyLearning
Parlez-vous LINQ?
Source: Sellsbrothers.com
Let someone else do the heavy lifting.
Source: Econsultancy

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

The STL collection classes are strong in this one.
Source: The Code Project
Can't you see this data is invalid?
Source: The Code Project
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