[CodeProject] Daily News - Some quick and easy gift ideas for geeks

Your morning update: Daily News - Some quick and easy gift ideas for geeks
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Thursday, December 23, 2010 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

...or, "my Christmas list."
Source: Disorganized thoughts
Network neutrality in (low bandwidth) pictures.
Source: theopeninter.net
A hacker's New Year's resolution list.
Source: unorganized machines
Still think this mobile development thing is a fad?
Source: CNET
Ahh... ahh... ahh... ach0111010100000101000.
Source: Electronista

Developer News

Coding to tune of your favorite platform.
Source: Functional Variations
TDD is not a good design methodology.
Source: ploeh blog
Script your math homework away.
Source: Zero Intelligence Agents
Which begs the question, why Smalltalk?
Source: Smalltalk Zen
Fetch, pull and merge like a pro.
Source: SpringSource
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Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

The story of a database that grew too big.
Source: The Code Project
And the winning function is...
Source: The Code Project
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