[CodeProject] Newsletter (13 Dec 2010)

200 articles this week
For comments or enquiries please contact webmaster@codeproject.com View online Monday, December 13, 2010

Welcome to this week's newsletter from The Code Project.

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Site News

Christmas is coming soon so in lieu of tinsel and fragile baubles we've given our article pages a little spruce-up to make things a little cleaner and a little clearer.

The other big news is that we will also soon be launching a new newsletter for our mobile developers. While the current newsletter (this thing you're reading!) is customisable, it's very generic, and very big, and we've had a lot of feedback from developers looking for something a little more focused.

We will start with Mobile as our feature topic mainly because that's been our pet topic in the office for the last few months. We'll send out the mobile newsletter for a few editions and after that only those who explicitly wish to receive it will continue to get it. Feedback is always welcome, and suggestions for the next newsletter would be great.

The voting forms for last month's top articles are up so please visit the homepage for the links and give a thanks to those who helped you last month.

Chris Maunder

The Code Project Offers

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Weekly Poll Results

Do you have a computer science degree?

Survey period: 6 Dec 2010 to 13 Dec 2010

Does your degree fit your vocation? (suggested by aspdotnetdev)

I write software and I have a computer science degree63348.62633 votes, 48.62%
I write software and I do not have a computer science degree63748.92637 votes, 48.92%
I do not write software and I have a computer science degree221.6922 votes, 1.69%
I do not write software and I do not have a computer science degree100.7710 votes, 0.77%

This week's survey: Should developers test their own code?

Most popular new articles 6 Dec 2010 - 13 Dec 2010

Latest Additions

200 articles overall 152 new, 97 updated, 1 moved. 18 were edited, 182 unedited
Article topics listed: C++

Too many articles? Visit your profile page to change your newsletter article filters.

New articles added


  • A Primer of DirectX Basics and the DirectX3D API - logicchild
    An Article that desribes some essentials to help learn the DirectX technology (Unedited)
    C++ (VC8.0, VC9.0, VC10.0), Windows (WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7, Win2008-R2), DirectX, Dev, Framework


Cryptography & Security

  • Applied OpenSSL: CTR mode in file encryption - Apriorit Inc, Eugene Wineblat
    In this article, the use of open source OpenSSL library for file and disk encryption is described (Unedited)
    C++, Visual-Studio (VS2008), Dev, Encryption, Decryption

Articles updated added

Combo & List Boxes

  • Win32 SDK PropertyGrid Made Easy - David MacDermot
    This article describes the creation of a non-MFC custom PropertyGrid control.
    C++, Windows, Win32, Win64, Dev

Dialogs and Windows

Algorithms & Recipes

  • Polyline Simplification - Elmar de Koning
    A generic C++ implementation for n-dimensional Douglas-Peucker Approximation.
    C++, Windows, Linux, MacOS, VS2008, Dev

Internet / Network

Macros and Add-ins

Threads, Processes & IPC

  • Monitoring of logon/logout in terminal and client sessions - Apriorit Inc, Elizaveta Golub
    This article includes a description of the monitoring process for the session logon/logout, connect/disconnect (regarding terminal and client sessions). Obtained results will be then used in the next article "Creating process in the session". (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Architect, Dev, Threading, Process, multithreading, Boost

  • Starting process in the logged session under the local system account - Apriorit Inc, Elizaveta Golub
    This article contains the description of how to start a process in the current active session on session logon notification event with permissions of system process running in the current session. (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Architect, Dev, Threading, Process, multithreading, Boost

Tips and Tricks added

Dialogs and Windows

  • How to bring window to top with SetForegroundWindow() - SHShadow
    At first site you can use BOOL WINAPI ShowWindow(__in HWND hWnd,__in int nCmdShow); with SW_RESTORE in nCmdShow (msd link) and maybe it need to activate window before (not tested :)) (Unedited)
    C++, Windows

DLLs & Assemblies

Programming Tips

  • C++ Syntax Uncovered - Mohammad Nasim
    Answers many whys in beginners head about C-Family languages syntax (Unedited)
    C++, C++/CLI, C, C#, Java

Technical blogs added

Vista API

  • EF Feature CTP5: Inheritance Scenarios with Code First Fluent API - Gil Fink
    EF Feature CTP5: Inheritance Scenarios with Code First Fluent API One of the interesting features of Code First fluent API is the ability to configure inheritance in your model. Since one of the strengths of an O/RM solution is its ability to map inheritance then this feature is a must in every map (Unedited)

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