[CodeProject] Newsletter (27 Dec 2010)

122 articles this week
For comments or enquiries please contact webmaster@codeproject.com View online Monday, December 27, 2010

Welcome to this week's newsletter from The Code Project.

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Site News

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate this holiday, and a Happy and prosperous New Year to those who work on the basis that this week is the last one for this year.

The CodeProject team are, in no particular order, resting, working on devious new features, attending to 6 months of backlogged email, drawing intricate planning diagrams on large, moodily lighted whiteboards, and/or sitting around at home eating leftovers, drinking a few cold ones, and enjoying various new-borns. Some of us are definitely not watching the cricket.

We'll be back onboard next week, but in the meantime why not take the time to sign up for our new Mobile newsletter for those who have seen the future and seen that it fits in your pocket.

Chris Maunder

The Code Project Offers

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Weekly Poll Results

What do you want for Christmas this year?

Survey period: 20 Dec 2010 to 3 Jan 2011

...unless Christmas has been pushed back until Q1 2011 due to last minute bugs.

A payrise and/or a promotion23637.76236 votes, 37.76%
A better work environment (desk, cube, work area, people...)12219.52122 votes, 19.52%
A new smartphone, iPad, or gadget de jour.11318.08113 votes, 18.08%
A new job or change in career17628.16176 votes, 28.16%
Clients or managers who can actually explain their requirements9815.6898 votes, 15.68%
Google to buy your company for squillions and for you get a chunk of it10416.64104 votes, 16.64%
More time to relax with friends and family19130.56191 votes, 30.56%
World Peace15825.28158 votes, 25.28%
Improved health or fitness19731.52197 votes, 31.52%
Duke Nukem Forever9615.3696 votes, 15.36%
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

View optional text answers (47 answers)

Most popular new articles
20 Dec 2010 - 27 Dec 2010

Latest Additions

122 articles overall 90 new, 77 updated, 2 moved. 19 were edited, 103 unedited
Article topics listed: C++

Too many articles? Visit your profile page to change your newsletter article filters.

New articles added

C / C++ Language

Algorithms & Recipes

Articles updated

Trace and Logs

  • TraceTool 12.3: The Swiss-Army Knife of Trace - Thierry Parent
    A C#, C++, Delphi, ActiveX , Javascript and Java trace framework and a trace viewer: Tail, OutputDebugString, event log, and with Log4J, Log4Net, and Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (EIF) support. This also comes with full support for Pocket PC, Silverlight, and Android.
    C#, Javascript, Java, VC7.1, .NET1.1, Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Android, Silverlight, VS.NET2003, Dev


  • Circuit Engine - Emre Guldogan
    A System for Simulation and Analysis of Logic Circuits (Unedited)
    C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1), C, Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Win2003), .NET (.NET1.0, .NET1.1), Win32, Visual-Studio (VS.NET2003), OpenGL, CEO, Architect, Dev, Design


Hardware & System

Tips and Tricks added


Bugs & Workarounds

Programming Tips

Technical blogs added

Static & Panel Controls

  • Static analysis and regular expressions - viva64.com
    I develop the PVS-Studio static code analyzer intended for analyzing C/C++ software. After we implemented general analysis in PVS-Studio 4.00, we received a lot of responses, both positive and negative. By the way, you are welcome to download a new version of PVS-Studio where we have fixed a lot of (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, MFC

Tabs & Property Pages

  • Order in Chaos: Dependency Property Value Resolution - Arik Poznanski
    One of the strength points for WPF is the ability to set a property value using a wide range of methods. Unfortunately, this variety makes it hard to understand how a WPF dependency property gets its final value. Hopefully this post will help organize this issue. This post is based on the comprehe (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, MFC

SharePoint Server

  • How to edit the Welcome drop-down menu in Sharepoint 2010 - Raymund Macaalay
    Did you ever wanted to extend that user menu in Sharepoint, the one that states your name on the top right corner and drops down items such as “My Settings”, “Sign in as a Different User” and “Sign Out”? Well search no more as I will show you step by step on how t (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, MFC

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