Re: [The-Girls-of-MYDBPics] My wife at her lap top


I have a couple figure art groups.  Negative comments are hateful comments as far as I'm concerned, and if you can't say anything nice about someones image, don't comment.  I never did understand why people feel it's important to boost their ego by cutting someone else down.  Such self appointed critiques are removed immediately.


From: Ben Dover <>
Sent: Fri, January 29, 2010 10:49:02 AM
Subject: Re: [The-Girls-of-MYDBPics] My wife at her lap top


then forgive me but you would not be a good moderator ,how dare you dictate someones opinion that is beyond ridiculous,
whilst i did not make the comment i think that anyone who posts their pic in a punblic arena has to be ready for good and bad omments thats a fact of life.
how many have writtten in and given their opinion about the comment? why should that be allowed and not the original comment ?
thats a double standard only there to suit you.

From: mike anderson <mikeainia@gmail. com>
To: The-Girls-of- MYDBPics@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thu, 28 January, 2010 1:43:50 PM
Subject: Re: [The-Girls-of- MYDBPics] My wife at her lap top


But my point would be this - as a member of this and the moderator of other groups, my concern is postings which are harmful to the group itself.  If someone posts a picture that is on topic then he has been helpful to the group even if only a few enjoy the picture.  Those who reply with positive comments have been helpful to the group. Those with only a negative comment to make can only be helpful by  KEEPING IT TO HIMSELF.  The original poster will not be put off from future postings for those that enjoy them, and the negative commentor can delete future messages from that person without ever looking at them.  Potential future posters will see that they can post without being insulted, and they may be encouraged to post also.  More good news for the group ...

So if I were moderating this group I would warn the insulting poster one time then remove him/her if it happened again.  As far as I am concerned, it is an off-topic post and frankly, of little interest to any other group member.

I'll take this opportunity to thank all the posters and especially those that post personal pix --

And I'll thank those who have nothing nice to say to say nothing at all -- please.\

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Ben Dover <iwas42@yahoo. com> wrote:

i agree kirsten but as i said to put something in a public forum is opening yourself to comments good and bad,

and most people realise that one mans beauty is anothers ugly thats just a part of human nature ,its whethter they say it or keep it to themselves is what should matter,
and we cant stop people from voicing an opinion because we dont like it .

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