File - Video files and Virus Scanning

Some members are concerned about video files because they are not usually scanned by antivirus system of Yahoo.
On trying to scan this message is shown

Virus Scan Results

File name: .wmv
File size: 345kb
File type: video/x-ms-wmv
Scan result: Virus scanning not supported for this type of file.
This file has not been scanned. More Info

Note: This attachment may contain viruses that could damage your computer and be spread to others.

ON CLICKING --- " More Info" this message

comes out

Why does it say virus scanning not supported for this type of file?
Virus scanning is not supported for this file because viruses are found only in file types that contain executable code.
Bandwidth and time can be saved by limiting the files to be scanned to only those file types that can contain viruses.

In the interest of optimizing the overall performance and safety of Yahoo! Mail, the list of scanned file types is restricted to those deemed to be potentially harmful

So it is clear that wmv and mpeg and other

audio video files are harmless .They donot harbour

viruses as they donot contain executable codes

just as JPG and JPEG files donot contain executable

codes and are not scanned too .( JPG and JPEG are

routine pictures and images files ).

Thats why antivirus software of yahoo doesnot find

it neceassry to scan such files .One can download

and view them without any worry.

Our group has released many video files and

nobody's computer has been infected because of

downloading video files like wmv.

Potentially dangerous files are SCR ,PIF , Com

------ nearly always containing virus . Zip and EXE

files may contain viruses .Our group never accepts

Zip and EXE files apart from scr,pif,com files.

So I hope you can now enjoy funny video clips

without any anxiety.

Ms Vibhuti Jain

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