File - Ten commandments for enjoying the Group

1 Check your mails regularly .If you donot check mails for many
days then checking your even fun mails may seem like work
because of too many mails and you may end up deleting many
good mails without checking.

2 Use a fast internet connection ---- Broadband is best .It gives
spped of 256 KBPS . However for individual users speed of
64 Kbps is also more than enough. Most of the Indian big
cities have ISPs that can provide fast speed at a reasonable
price. Cable ,DSL are good . Avoid dial up .If you check your
mails in a Cybercafe where ten computers are connected to a
single dial up connection then it will be no fun.

3 Choose Individual mail option to receive group mails .If you
choose digest option then all images and attachments are
lost and there are merely text mails .

4 Most people have at least three Email accounts --- one each
in Yahoo ,Hotmail or Rediff or in gmail. Keep one account
for fun mails and another for personal corrospondence.

5 Create folders for different kind of mails -- one for
video files ,another for jokes or images. This will prevent
cluttering of your inbox .

6 Keep deleting older mails . It is true that email services
now provide much bigger mail boxes nevertheless it is
still better to delete older funnies.

7 If you have a POP connection then remember that some
link based images can only be seen online.

8 While forwarding mails to your friends , use BCC section
only. This will help your friends in receiving no spam and no
virus mails and they will appreciate your caution.

9 Video files like WMV and MPEG are harmless . PPS,
xls , Jpg etc are harmless .Donot download any other
kind of files.

10 -- Follow Netiquettes-- donot flame fellow members,avoid auto-
replies , donot add anybody's address in your contact list
or forwards list without permission.

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