CodeProject | Daily News - Win8 and Silverlight: So where do we go from here?

Your morning update: Daily News - Win8 and Silverlight: So where do we go from here?
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

In other news, the sky is not falling down.
Source: Confessions of a coder
Dazzle and amaze us and win an iPad 2.
Source: The Code Project
1337 71P$73r$.
Hey, I wrote this!
Source: Read Write Web
All my data are belong to you.
Source: Joe Moon
An app store of sorts for Kinect hacks.
Source: This is my next
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Developer News

Empty the trash: cool your PC.
Pondering how "Computer Geeks" replaced the "Computer Girls".
Source: Alfred Thompson
Happy IPv6 Day!
Source: Betanews
Plug. Learn. Code.
Source: Lynn Langit
Invented-Over-There syndrome.
Source: winrumors
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Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

...for freaks and geeks.
Source: The Code Project
You mean PHP doesn't have to look like a child wrote it in Quick Basic?
Source: The Code Project
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