CodeProject | Daily News - ORM is an anti-pattern

Your morning update: Daily News - ORM is an anti-pattern
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Thursday, June 16, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

And yet my lack of interest in Reader updates doesn't seem to stop them at all...
Source: ZDNet
This argument is really about client platforms; no more, no less.
Source: Tim Bray
Who wants to play GUID lotto?
Source: MIX Online
"Long-time listener, first-time caller..."
Source: BBC
We will sell no Win before its time.
Source: TechRadar
Click HereThe Code Project Virtual Tech Summit on Cloud Development is on-demand!
Take the fluffiness out of cloud computing and get pragmatic, tactical guidance on deploying, managing, and optimizing your cloud applications. There is still time! Register now – no cost!

Developer News

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good text editor at your side, kid."
Source: TUAW
50 lessons, observations and opinions on developer life.
Source: Ka Wai Cheung
Hacking at 60 FPS.
Source: Vijay Devakumar
Death by a thousand queries.
8 parsers for your favorite languages, so you don't have to roll your own.
Source: Tian Valdemar Davis
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Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

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Source: The Code Project
It's not a virus, really...
Source: The Code Project
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