CodeProject | Daily News - Windows 8 for software developers: the Longhorn dream reborn?

Your morning update: Daily News - Windows 8 for software developers: the Longhorn dream reborn?
The Code Project Insider The Code Project
Friday, June 24, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

Walk with me on the timeline of success... and fail.
Source: Manolution
People: can't compute with 'em, probably could compute just fine without 'em!
Source: ZDNet
Some of you may have met mathematicians and wondered how they got that way.
Source: Peter G. Castazza
A legacy of technical debt... and bad taste.
Source: Business Week
Stop talking about, start doing it.
Source: Andy Budd
Click HereThe Code Project Virtual Tech Summit on Cloud Development is on-demand!
Take the fluffiness out of cloud computing and get pragmatic, tactical guidance on deploying, managing, and optimizing your cloud applications. There is still time! Register now – no cost!

Developer News

A single, modern, unified Windows API at last.
Source: Ars Technica
Let's take a look behind the scenes (of this web page).
Source: .NET
Source: Node blog
Push. Pull. Merge. Commit. !@#$%.
Source: Shady Acres
How would you score?
Source: The Endeavour
Click here /n software Red Carpet Subscriptions
Components for every major Internet protocol from SFTP to IMAP to SNMP, SSL & SSH, S/MIME, Credit Cards, Compression, Messaging, Shipping, and more. .NET, COM, C++, Java, Pocket PC, Delphi, Mac OS X, iPhone

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

What do you prefer?
Source: The Code Project
We hold these truths to be self-evident...
Source: The Code Project
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CodeProject | Daily News - 7 Best Cities to Find IT Jobs in 2011

Your morning update: Daily News - 7 Best Cities to Find IT Jobs in 2011
The Code Project Insider The Code Project
Thursday, June 23, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Click HereJoin the Visual Studio Industry Partner Program! Get direct access to the Microsoft product team who can help you plan and develop products that extend Visual Studio. Access marketing levers that will increase the visibility of your products within the developer ecosystem. Join Today!
Click hereASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting. Life can be simpler.
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Industry News

We clearly want machines that perform human-like tasks. But at what cost?
Source: Charles Stross
"The issue is not whether you are paranoid, the issue is whether you are paranoid enough."
Source: Security Week
Back in 2005, Google took a chance on an unknown kid. Here's how it happened.
Source: Venture Fizz
If this is our cyberwarriors' best, LulzSec's gonna have lots of lulz.
Source: The New York Times
Wish you were here!
Source: CIO
Click HerePluralsight .NET Training - Introduction to WebMatrix
Learn from the experts how to use WebMatrix to build and customize web sites.
Course available at no cost for 48 hours through 6/15/2011.
Watch Now

Developer News

Windows 8 from Outer Space.
Source: Riagenic
Your LINQ to a SELECT group.
Source: Brent Ozar PLF
The not-so-good parts.
Source: IronJS
You had me at "Fibonacci numbers"...
Source: Robin Houston
This would be even better with some Haskell and Scala.
Source: Krzysztof Kowalczyk
Click hereNeed a flexible test & dev environment?
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And with Rackspace cloud, only pay for what you use. Find out how.

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

"It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care."
Source: The Code Project
Standards? We don't need no stinkin' standards.
Source: The Code Project
Click HereLearn Visual Studio, Silverlight, WPF, SharePoint and more – Just $99.99
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CodeProject | Daily News - Firefox 5 is here

Your morning update: Daily News - Firefox 5 is here
The Code Project Insider The Code Project
Wednesday, June 22, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Click hereNew! Connect any source control system to SQL Server
SQL Source Control 2.1 connects all source control systems - TFS, SVN, Vault Professional, Kiln, Mercurial, Git, Perforce, CVS, and Bazaar - to SQL Server. More information and trial.
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Industry News

"If they carry on unrestrained... Apple will be the games industry."
Source: Edge
The laptop is small. Lid opens to a bright day. Running Haiku now.
Source: Ars Technica
I might lose all of my data, I'm okay with that.
Source: Deanacus: Smoke Signals
Trying a slice of Microsoft's juicy fruit.
Source: This is my next
Cloudy with a chance of Windows.
Source: Inside Windows Live
Click HereOne infrastructure. Multiple clients.
By building their infrastructure with DevForce, MEX was able to reuse .NET code with multiple front-end clients. No matter what platform their customers use in the future—Silverlight, iOS, or HTML/JS—they'll be ready.
See how to deploy your .NET code to the iPad.

Developer News

What it means for web devs.
Source: Mozilla
Point. Click. CSS!
Source: IronMyers
Brewing up a cup of JavaScript.
Source: Elegant Code
Do the right thing!
Source: Passpack
If there's a security problem, let's fix it instead of running away.
Source: Reality Prime
Click hereNeed a flexible test & dev environment?
Spin servers up and down on-demand.
And with Rackspace cloud, only pay for what you use. Find out how.

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Children and those of weak constitution, avert your eyes...
Source: The Code Project
Your code has a great beat and I can dance to it!
Source: The Code Project
Click HereLearn .NET Technologies…Get a Full Year of Training for Just $99.99
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CodeProject | Daily News - Forget .com, here's .coke

Your morning update: Daily News - Forget .com, here's .coke
The Code Project Insider The Code Project
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Click here Download Over 60 UI Controls at No Cost from DevExpress
DevExpress is proud to offer the developer community access to over 60 user interface components at NO COST– to download your complimentary copy, visit us here.
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Industry News

ICANN haz TLD now?
Source: CNN Money
"This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace."
Source: ConceivablyTech
Shhhh... don't tell your boss where you found this.
Source: DataBytez
Your giant public folder in the sky.
Source: Betanews
Shave and a haircut... 10 bits.
Source: The Economist
Click HerePluralsight .NET Training - Introduction to WebMatrix
Learn from the experts how to use WebMatrix to build and customize web sites.
Course available at no cost for 48 hours through 6/15/2011.
Watch Now

Developer News

Sometimes it's just easier to build it yourself.
Source: Smashing Magazine
I knew NASA had budget woes, but this is a bit much.
Source: Hack a Day
Code early, deploy often.
Source: Tom Preston-Werner
Programming is hard. We need easier codez!
Source: Leaves of Code
"All web and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
Source: Scientific American
Click hereNeed a flexible test & dev environment?
Spin servers up and down on-demand.
And with Rackspace cloud, only pay for what you use. Find out how.

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

The number of hipsters is increasing.
Source: The Code Project
"You don't know how lucky you are, boy..."
Source: The Code Project
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CodeProject | Newsletter (20 Jun 2011)

138 articles this week
For comments or enquiries please contact View online Monday, June 20, 2011

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Site News

We regularly review our hardware and systems to ensure that (a) the site is up, and (b) it's working as best it can, and (c) we're spending as little as possible in making (a) and (b) happen. As part of this we decided to do a fairly major overhaul of our office systems, where "overhaul" is a euphamism for "throw it all out and start from scratch". It's a little rough on the nerves but means we get to flush out all the little gremlins while also reducing the number of actual machines we have lying around.

On a practical note this means we may be a little slower to reply to emails for the next couple of days. It also means that, with the removal of half of the servers, we no longer get to use the server room as a pizza oven, but sacrifices must be made.

Wish us luck.

Don't forget: an iPad 2 is up for grabs in our HTML5 / CSS3 competition.

Chris Maunder

The Code Project Offers

Click HereJoin the AMD OpenCL™ Coding Competition with $50,000 in prizes!
This phase of the competition is an open innovation challenge with the only requirement being to use the AMD APP SDK and OpenCL code. Think you have what it takes to think outside the box? Prove it and you might win big!
Click hereWant to make SQL effortless?
With code-completion, SQL reformatting, script summaries and more, SQL Prompt 5 makes writing, editing, and exploring SQL effortless. Download a 14-day trial now.
Click HereASP.NET Ad Hoc Reporting. Life can be simpler.
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Click HereThe Code Project Virtual Tech Summit on Cloud Development is on-demand!
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Weekly Poll Results

You're stuck on a programming problem. What do you do first?

Survey period: 13 Jun 2011 to 20 Jun 2011

We've all hit that stumbling point. Do you dig in deep, go get a copy, or go online and tap into the collective wisdom?

Just keep plugging away at the problem373.1937 votes, 3.19%
Ask a colleague or friend564.8356 votes, 4.83%
Read the docs. Again.322.7632 votes, 2.76%
Read a book90.789 votes, 0.78%
Search online for the exact answer to your problem35030.17350 votes, 30.17%
Search online for more general background information on your issue44738.53447 votes, 38.53%
Post a question online60.526 votes, 0.52%
Take a break and let the creative juices flow17915.43179 votes, 15.43%
Other393.3639 votes, 3.36%

View optional text answers (44 answers)

This week's survey: Do you cuss in code comments?

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13 Jun 2011 - 20 Jun 2011

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138 articles overall 87 new, 79 updated, 0 moved. 37 were edited, 101 unedited
Article topics listed: C++

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Cross Platform

  • Head-to-head benchmark: C++ vs .NET - Qwertie
    How fast is C++ compared to C#? Let's compare code ported directly between the two languages. (Unedited)
    C++ (VC9.0), C# (C#3.0), Windows (Win7), WinMobile (WinMobile6), .NETCF, .NET (.NET3.5), Win32, Win64, Architect, Dev, cross-platform, Generics, P/Invoke

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  • Ribbon with C++, Part 1: Introduction to the Windows Ribbon Framework - Arik Poznanski
    The basics of the Windows Ribbon Framework - a rich command presentation system that provides a modern alternative to the layered menus, toolbars, and task panes of traditional Windows applications. (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Framework, Controls

  • Ribbon with C++, Part 3: Using Buttons with Windows Ribbon Framework - Arik Poznanski
    On previous posts we have seen an introduction to the Windows Ribbon Framework and learned how to develop a ribbon enabled application. In this post we continue our review of the various features in the Windows Ribbon Framework. This time we will focus on the most common feature in the ribbon: Butt (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Dev

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