CodeProject | Daily News - Sony Networks Lacked Firewall, Ran Obsolete Software

Your morning update: Daily News - Sony Networks Lacked Firewall, Ran Obsolete Software
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Monday, May 9, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

Return of the BBC Micro?
Source: Techland
Here's your homework: Devise an app. Get people to use it. Repeat.
Source: The New York Times
Security Vaio-lations.
Source: eWeek
Only Macs affected... for now.
Source: PCWorld
In Soviet Russia, computer program you.
Source: SIGCIS
Click HereJoin us at The Code Project Virtual Tech Summit on HTML5/CSS3! Premieres May 25, 2011, 12:00 pm EST. Get a thorough understanding of HTML5/CSS3 with informative sessions at no cost! Attend the premiere event and be eligible to win our grand prize: a brand new laptop! Register Now – no cost!

Developer News

A custom CPU constructed from dozens of simple logic chips.
Source: Steve Chamberlin
Mobile coding, eh?
Source: Canada Reviews
Virtual magic.
Source: John Papa
...and why it's ultimately mostly Microsoft's fault.
Source: TechCrunch
Updating mogade's leaderboard rankings. I give it 5 stars.
Source: Karl Seguin

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

VB and Access... Mom would be so proud.
Source: The Code Project
Paint by keyword.
Source: The Code Project
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