CodeProject | Daily News - Happy 20th Birthday Visual Basic!

Your morning update: Daily News - Happy 20th Birthday Visual Basic!
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

You've been cybermugged.
Source: secretGeek
Reply All... you know you want to.
Source: Jon Galloway
Inoculating users - and devs - from upgrade-itis.
Source: Mary-Jo Foley
Patently rediculous.
Source: The Loop
Don't feed the patent troll.
Source: Marco Arment
Click hereBuild multi-platform MVVM business apps FAST
How are you going to build your MVVM Model? Let DevForce supply the Model to your MVVM implementation and save hours of development time. One set of infrastructure for Silverlight and WPF.
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Developer News

Sub Blow_Out_Candles()
Source: The Visual Basic Team
The best of both worlds?
Source: Channel 9
LAMP lights the way.
Source: JavaWorld
Code bubbles in Visual Studio.
Source: Kael Rowan
I'm coding in Ticonderoga #2.
Source: UI Stencils
Click HereToad® Extension for Visual Studio integrates Oracle and Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 development, letting developers collaborate across every phase of a project! See how you can achieve your development goals – read a new business brief.

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Pick your poison.
Source: The Code Project
Code is a cruel mistress...
Source: The Code Project
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