CodeProject | Daily News - Science proves that staring at a screen all day is bad for you

Your morning update: Daily News - Science proves that staring at a screen all day is bad for you
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Monday, April 25, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

He will be buried in a thin plastic case that is impossible to open without breaking
Source: Computerworld
CYA b4 u sez dum stf
Source: CBC
et tu, Google?
Source: Wall Street Journal
"Mercenary opportunism" would be a great name for a band
"You'll have to forgive him. He's from Barcelona."
Source: Read/Write Web
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Developer News

Bigwigs rigs Higgs digs?
Source: LiveScience
You mean 'secret' isn't a good password?
Source: Infoworld
"Where are we going today, Mr. Peabody?"
Source: PC Magazine
"Abby someone? Abby who?"
Source: Discovery
Can I do it until I need glasses?
Source: io9
Click HereRational Team Concert 3.0 - Effective Team Collaboration for the Enterprise
Integrate work item tracking, source control management, continuous builds, and iteration planning into one place. Work together effectively. Download Rational Team Concert 3.0.

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

The IDE that keeps going, and going, and going...
Source: The Code Project
Moral upbringing, clean living and a bizarre twist
Source: The Code Project
Click Here SpreadsheetGear: Over 100 Times Faster...
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