CodeProject | Daily News - The Free Software Foundation takes aim at Gmail

Your morning update: Daily News - The Free Software Foundation takes aim at Gmail
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Click HereSilverlight UI Webinar – MONDAY 12:00 ET, APRIL 11th
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Industry News

...or more correctly, the evil, evil Javascript it uses.
Coding fuel: a history.
Osborne 1 vs iPad 2.
Source: StormDriver
Horses for courses.
Source: Silverlight Team Blog
Thoughts on writing books using markup.
Source: Karl Seguin
What can't you do with Regex?
Source: Andrei Zmievski
Click HereJoin us at The Code Project Virtual Tech Summit on Cloud Development!
Premieres April 27th 2011, 12:00 pm EST. Take the fluffiness out of cloud computing and get pragmatic, tactical guidance on deploying, managing, and optimizing your cloud applications. Register now – no cost!

Developer News

Start writing Android apps in .NET.
Source: Visual Studio Magazine
To allocate or not to allocate... that is the question.
Source: Dream.In.Code
Parseltongue 101.
Source: J2 Labs
Make this HTML look awesome using 10 lines (or fewer) of CSS
Source: 10 Lines or Fewer
"Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the Peace Corps."
Source: Peter Chang
Click HereScheduling Made Easy. Resource Management - Appointment Scheduling - Component Scheduling Solutions - Warehouse and Shipments Scheduling Framework - Gantt style Drag N Drop Scheduling for .NET | COM - No Charge Downloads. Take Advantage today!

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

To go fast, do smarter
Source: The Code Project
Tell us why you like it... or hate it.
Source: The Code Project
Click HereRational Team Concert 3.0 - Effective Team Collaboration for the Enterprise
Integrate work item tracking, source control management, continuous builds, and iteration planning into one place. Work together effectively. Download Rational Team Concert 3.0.

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