CodeProject | Newsletter (21 Mar 2011)

140 articles this week
For comments or enquiries please contact View online Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome to this week's newsletter from The Code Project.

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Site News

We started to provide a place for software developers to share and download code for free. Free as in "Use it in your day to day development and don't pay a cent". The best kind of free.

We've always asked that articles be posted in a way that would allow anyone to download the code and start using it immediately, which meant prohibiting articles that required third party commercial products in order to be used.

Today we're announcing we are opening up the articles to allow content that discusses third party products for two specific cases:

  1. A Third party products and tools section that allows current users of products to provide significant innovation (and not simple how-to guides that would appear on a vendor's own help pages), or solve a significant problems common to users of the product or library.
  2. A Third Party Products and Tools Review section that provides unbiased reviews of a products and services.

In both cases we have two conditions:

  1. No advertising, implicit or explicit. Anything smelling of an ad will be removed.
  2. Articles must not be written by anyone associated with the company that writes the product. Self promotion is not allowed

Let's keep CodeProject free while expanding the services for our members. We use plenty of tools ourselves and are constantly looking for ideas or opinions. Let's just make sure we keep CodeProject for the members, so no advertisements and no teasers for commercial versions of code.

Mmbers at Silver level and above: if you see anything inappropriate please use our revamped article reporting system. Quick and Easy!

Thanks again to all who entered our Beginners Hardware Competition. Great work guys, here are the winners:

First Prize K-Sid - FMBomb - A Beginner's Approach to Hardware Programming
Prize pool Bioloid Robot Kit
Second Prize jmlb - STM32 Discovery: The Basics - Creating a Project
Prize pool The RoboTurret Vision Tracking Kit
Third Prize Mike Hankey - Motor Primer and the L293D Quad Half-H Driver
Prize pool RFID Reader

Chris Maunder

The Code Project Offers

Click HereRed Gate Webinar: end-to-end database development
Continuous integration for databases has arrived. 30 min software demos followed by Q&A. Details and registration.
Click hereWindows Azure Marketplace: The DataMarket contest. We've sweetened the pot with additional cash prizes. Send us your Azure app for a chance to win an Intel i7 laptop (or $1000 cash equivalent) plus another grand prize of $1000 cash. Ends March 31st – Enter Now.
Click HereImplement Windows-based Applications for Burst Demand with Windows Azure
Ensuring an IT infrastructure is available whenever it is needed is a core IT Pro activity. The Windows Azure Platform enables IT Pros fulfil this activity. Learn more.
Click HereCome to the AMD Fusion Developer Summit, June 13 – 16, 2011 in Bellevue, WA. Learn how to tap into the hardware features of CPUs and GPUs to accelerate your applications, plus how to best leverage the new APUs. Space is limited for this inaugural event, so register early!
Click HereTrusted, Reliable, Scalable Cloud Hosting Services For IT Pros
Open Hosting (OHI) offers VPS hosting with the freedom and control of dedicated servers plus the added flexibility and scalability of the cloud and your choice of OS. Sign-Up Today for your No-Risk, No-Obligation Trial Account.
Click Here Microsoft Chose SpreadsheetGear...
"After carefully evaluating SpreadsheetGear, Excel Services, and other 3rd party options, we chose SpreadsheetGear for .NET because it is the best fit for MSN Money." said Chris Donohue, MSN Money Program Manager. Download a fully functional SpreadsheetGear trial Today!

Weekly Poll Results

What skill does programming teach you most?

Survey period: 14 Mar 2011 to 21 Mar 2011

Software development endows its practitioners with an interesting set of skills. Which do you feel summarise your abilities best?

Logical thinking71780.20717 votes, 80.20%
Naming (you are the human thesaurus)9710.8597 votes, 10.85%
Organisation25628.64256 votes, 28.64%
Creative / lateral thinking47252.80472 votes, 52.80%
Client negotiation10711.97107 votes, 11.97%
Seeing problems from all angles44349.55443 votes, 49.55%
The ability to think of all worst case scenarios37842.28378 votes, 42.28%
A brain that can juggle 20 conflicting concepts at once25528.52255 votes, 28.52%
A heightened awareness of one's own Godlike abilities18220.36182 votes, 20.36%
Other677.4967 votes, 7.49%
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

View optional text answers (83 answers)

This week's survey: Should those who write the OS have the right to remotely remove applications from your machine?

Most popular new articles
14 Mar 2011 - 21 Mar 2011

Latest Additions

140 articles overall 83 new, 89 updated, 1 moved. 37 were edited, 103 unedited
Article topics listed: C++

Too many articles? Visit your profile page to change your newsletter article filters.

New articles added

Mobile Development

  • CAB Installations for WinCE Thin Clients - Yuri Maxutenko, Apriorit Inc
    This article covers the creation of the CAB-installers for the Windows CE 5.0/6.0 applications for thin clients. (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, Mobile, Architect, Dev, WinCe

  • Download a Google Map with Win32, C++ and WinInet - Paul Scholz
    Using pure Win32, WinInet, and STL Vectors, we open an Internet connection, download, and display a Google map on a Windows Mobile phone.
    C++, WinMobile (WinMobile6), Mobile, STL, GDI, Dev


C / C++ Language

  • How to make fewer errors at the stage of code writing. Part N1. - Karpov Andrey
    I've arrived at the source code of a widely know instant messenger Miranda IM. Together with various plugins, this is a rather large project whose size is about 950 thousand code lines in C and C++. And like any other considerable project with a long development history, it has rather many errors an (Unedited)
    C++, C, Dev, QA, static, Code

Articles updated

Dialogs and Windows


C / C++ Language

Algorithms & Recipes

  • Notepad RE (Regular Expressions) - Ben Hanson
    Search and replace text in Notepad RE using Regular Expressions or normal mode. The editor supports drag and drop, file change notifications, and displays the line and column numbers. Unicode support is available too.
    VC6, Win2K, WinXP, MFC, Dev

Tips and Tricks added

Programming Tips

Author Resources

  • Using PRE tags on Code Project - Luc Pattyn
    How to use PRE tags to preserve formatting, and improve readability of code snippets or tabular data in posts. (Unedited)
    VB6, C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0, VC9.0), C++/CLI, C (Objective-C), C# (C#1.0, C#2.0, C#3.0, C#4.0), VB (VB7.x, VB8.0, VB9.0, VB10), VBScript, Javascript, XML, CSS, Java, Perl, SQL, HTML, XHTML, eVC (eVC3.0, eVC4.0), ASM, MSIL, UML, JScript.NET, Forth.NET, XSLT, F#, Python (IronPython, Python2.2, Python2.3, Python2.4), Ruby (IronRuby, Ruby1.8), X++, Erlang

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