CodeProject | Daily News - Java founder James Gosling joins Google

Your morning update: Daily News - Java founder James Gosling joins Google
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

Ode to "A Robot in Every Home."
Source: IEEE
Search for "curmudgeon".
Source: CNET
Every good boy deserves robots
Source: New Scientist
Now showing...
Source: Coding Horror
Return to sender - address undecipherable
Source: apenwarr
Click HereDevscovery Redmond – 50% New Content
Attend Devscovery Redmond May 24th-26th and enjoy 17 new sessions from experts like Richter, Robbins, and Prosise covering topics like Azure, Silverlight 5, ASP.NET MVC, Windows Phone 7, and much more. View the agenda here or to receive $75 off the registration fee use code CPN.

Developer News

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."
Source: Douglas Comer
Haters be hatin'. Coders be shippin'.
Source: The Zuul Cat Idea Brewery
Waiting for version 3.
Source: All About Microsoft
Read. Learn. Upsert.
Source: Karl Seguin
Source: The Endeavour
Click HereThe latest version of Visual Studio contains a complete set of SharePoint tools built right in. New project & item templates, designers, and more – Watch this video for a complete overview!

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Pay up... or the system goes down.
Source: The Code Project
Pouring fuel on the eternal fire...
Source: The Code Project

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