Fw: Symphony Invitation

Symphony 2011

Hello everyone…

It's finally the end of one happening semester at KJSCE!!!
After the success of the previous events it was time for our GARBA NIGHT,
followed by technical festival ABHIYANTRIKI'10.


After the two major events we organized Garba Night on 13th October. It was the
perfect time to celebrate Navaratri and the success of the events.


Conducted on the16th October,2010 it was a jointly conducted by all the student
bodies of our college : MESA , EESA , IEEE, IETE, ISHRAE, ENERGY CLUB, SAE, CSI
and STUDENTS COUNCIL. Each of these councils conducted events that they
specialize in.

For the first time an event had taken place in the new building of our college,
which dazzled with colourful drapes that gave it the festive look. There were in

all 35 events conducted which were a great hit .For the first time ever in the
history of college opening ceremony started with CONTRAPTION event .The link to
watch this video :



This brings us to the end of the first semester, but the most awaited event of
the year is yet to come. The inter-collegiate cultural fest SYMPHONY
2011,scheduled to be held on the 4th and 5th of February 2011

(Symphony Site: http://www.symphony-kjsce.org )
I am sure each one of you must be recollecting your college days and how much
fun it was to be a part of the fests. This is your chance to relive those
moments once again.
You all are invited wholeheartedly to join us in our celebrations. We would
love to have you involved at all stages of the fest, be it helping us monetarily

or extending your support by joining us on the day of the fest. If you have any

suggestions do let us know, your past experience can help us make our dream of
making Symphony 2011 a grand Success.
I am hereby giving the link of our marketing brochure of Symphony please go
through it and support us financially by monetary means if possible.


Thanking you.
Yours truly,
Vinit Intoliya
Secretary for Alumni Affairs
Students Council 2010-2011.

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