[CodeProject] Daily News - A Localization Horror Story: It Could Happen To You

Your morning update: Daily News - A Localization Horror Story: It Could Happen To You
The Code Project Insider The Code Project
Thursday, January 13, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Click HereWork a Code Solution to the Classic Dining Philosophers Problem:
Parallel Programming coders can see how using the capabilities of Intel® Threading Building Blocks' Graph Community Preview Feature can help to develop a solution to the Dining Philosophers Problem.
Read how this implementation works.
Click HereJoin us at The Code Project Virtual Tech Summit on VS2010, now with an 'Agile Development' track. Get up to speed on VS2010, learn advanced tips & tricks, and improve code quality. Agile topics include: Test-driven development, pair programming, Agile best practices and more! Register now!

Industry News

Prepare for a good kind of information overload.
Source: Royal Pingdom
Oh, look: malware!
Source: WPMU.org
Code for one, code for all.
Source: Smashing Magazine
A deeply integrated PowerShell host available inside of Visual Studio.
Source: Beefycode.com
C:\Comic Sans\
Source: The Endeavour
Click HereMissed The Code Project's Virtual Tech Summit on Cloud Development?
Not to worry! Access the event on demand at no cost. Navigate your way through our on demand version of the premiere event and view informative sessions at your leisure. Explore the latest in Cloud Development. Register now!

Developer News

"It is more complicated than you think."
Source: cpan.org
Good evening, and welcome to a private showing of .NET packages...
Source: David Ebbo
I smell cheese...
Source: Jamis Buck
No data from an untrusted source should be trusted. Users included.
Source: Smashing Magazine
"Let's take a moment to talk about shop safety..."
Source: MSDN Magazine
Click HereWindows Azure Marketplace: The DataMarket contest. Build an innovative cloud app on Windows Azure Platform using datasets from Windows Azure Marketplace and submit the link for a chance to win an Intel i7 laptop or the grand prize of an Xbox 360 with Kinect. Trial pass now available. Use it to enter & win!

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

A Code Project success story.
Source: The Code Project
"I, for one, welcome our allemagne overlords."
Source: The Code Project
Click here Learn Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL and more – Just $99.99
Become an expert in Microsoft technologies with our library of 2,800+ practical training videos featuring Microsoft MVPs and experts. Just $99.99 for a limited time.

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