[CodeProject] Daily News - So What's the Fuss about Silverlight?

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Monday, November 1, 2010 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

Stand and deliver! Your code for your life!
Source: TechCrunch
An anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space.
Source: Aram Barholl
Every system for organising knowledge carries with it social, political and cultural consequences.
Source: The Guardian
Baa baa black-hat, who you gonna fool?
Source: Mashable
App shopping as entertainment.
Source: Marco.org
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Developer News

5 tips for using public web APIs.
Source: WebWorkerDaily
Microsoft is firmly committed to WPF (for now).
Source: 10rem.net
A session is forever...
Source: lcamtuf
Assessing the "doom and demise" of Silverlight.
Source: Jeremy Likness
"One fact is that HTML5 is in its infancy."
Source: Laurent Bugnion
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Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Embracing HTML5 for the web.
Source: The Code Project
How would you answer this challenge?
Source: The Code Project
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