[CodeProject] Daily News - The Incredible Stupidity Of Investigating Google For Acting Like A Search Engine

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

"Blast that tin-plated pot."
Source: Science 2.0
The age of intelligent obfuscation.
Source: IEEE Spectrum
Search neutrality and the search for search.
Source: Search Engine Land
Facebook, Twitter and diplomacy in the Middle East.
Source: London Review of Books
Anand Lal Shimpi looks inside your next Mac.
Source: Macworld
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Developer News

Good code versus good gameplay.
Source: Alfred Thompson
1) Write some code. 2) Give it away.
Source: SuperProfundo
Smarts vs. Skills.
Source: Steve Yegge
File under useless knowledge.
Source: Mashable
Reduce, reuse, redial.
Source: devlicio.us

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Throw-away programming.
Source: The Code Project
Cover me! I'm making a break for the dialog box.
Source: The Code Project
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