[CodeProject] Daily News - Agile programming 10 years on: Did it deliver?

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Thursday, November 4, 2010 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

Maybe it's time to check out that new IE9 beta...
Source: NetworkWorld
"Here's the question: Why are manhole covers round?"
Source: sellsbrothers.com
Perhaps we need to start with: what is Silverlight?
Source: Mike Taulty
Talk of Android (or iOS) "domination" is still wishful thinking.
Source: asymco
Source: UX Magazine
Click HereFind the tips, tricks and best practices to ensure optimal performance tuning of your queries. In this Quest white paper, learn about common "bad performance" scenarios, and get solid advice on how to fix them. Read it today.

Developer News

Vee haf vays uff making you luff zee pattern.
Source: Sound Code
Getting it moving is the easy part.
Source: Smashing Magazine
I'm iterating as fast as I can...
Source: InfoWorld
Penguin love for the Microchip PIC.
Source: Hack a Day
Why learn a new language when you can write your own?
Source: CodePlex

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?"
Source: The Code Project
This town ain't big enough for the 10 of us.
Source: The Code Project
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