Freshers Jobs 23 Aug - TCS,Sinertel, Univision and more than 67 IT fresher's jobs


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23 Aug - TCS,Sinertel, Univision and more than 67 IT fresher's jobs
TCS - 28th and 29th August, 2010
Sinertel Software Solutions Pvt Ltd. .Net/Java Trainee
Greet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. - Perl Programmer
UK based MNC - Siebel
Envision - JAVA
Univision Softech Pvt. Ltd.
Java and .Net trainees . Walkin-23rd ,24th
Greet Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
SAMEER - Scientist – B-39100 with Grade pay Rs.5400/-
Espire Infolabs
Winsoft Technologies India Pvt. Ltd
American Solutions Pvt Ltd 21st Aug
Oak Systems Private Limited
Unisys : Software Engineer
We will send you instant HOT JOBS to the aboue Group : So register NOW
Jan 28 - USTech,Capgemini,HCL freshers recruitment
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