CodeProject | Daily News - How should I get started with programming?

Your morning update: Daily News - How should I get started with programming?
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Thursday, February 3, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News

So, does anyone fancy a tournament?
Source: Retro Programming
Azure is 1 year old. Here's how it's growing up.
Source: All About Microsoft
It's like the App Store, but for tablets that don't exist yet...
Source: Google Mobile Blog
You've realized you should be programming, which is a good start.
Source: Marco Arment
Streaming thoughts on Push and Pull.
Source: Benjamin van der Veen
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Developer News

OOP, without classes.
Source: LakTEK
Road trip!
Source: IBM
Construction Zone: Hard Hats Required.
Source: Steve Sanderson
Dynamic languages are nifty, but you can do cool things with C++, too.
Source: As Yet Untitled
Dial yourself an app in no time!
Source: DZone

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

There's no such thing as a free Reflector.
Source: The Code Project
You don't need an app for that.
Source: The Code Project
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