[CodeProject] Newsletter (4 Oct 2010)

For comments or enquiries please contact webmaster@codeproject.com View online Monday, October 4, 2010

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Site News

General call for Articles

The new kids on the block are iPads, slates, Playbooks - you know - the not-quite-a-tablet, not-quite-a-smartphone units that are strangely addictive. If you're working on iPad et al. software and would like to show others how it's done, please submit your articles or tips today!

Want to work at CodeProject?

We're still looking for an experienced C#/ASP.NET dev who lives on the bleeding edge yet is firmly rooted in basic, solid principles of software development. Write the code that 7.5 million members will use. Put your dreams in motion and add the things you've always wanted. For those in an around Toronto, Apply within.

The Daily Insider

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The Code Project Offers

Click HereOne API Unites WPF and Silverlight
INFRAGISTICS Unified XAML Product Strategy in NetAdvantage® for .NET 2010 Vol. 2 gives you UI control parity w/ Grids, Menus, Trees, Editors, and now Scheduling (in CTP) built on one common foundation. Download now!
Click hereWebinar: Source control your database with SVN or TFS
Source control your SQL without change management overheads. Learn how with webinars on Red Gate's SQL Source Control, an SSMS add-in that integrates SVN and TFS with SQL Server. Details and registration.
Click HereThe Cloud Zone on The Code Project – Explores the uses of cloud computing. Take a look at the key players and delve into specifics like Data Services, SaaS, and Azure. Learn More!
Click hereCreate an application on Windows Azure for a shot at winning an Xbox 360 with Kinect and $1000 cash. Find out more.
Click HereThe Cloud Zone on The Code Project – Explores the uses of cloud computing. Take a look at the key players and delve into specifics like Data Services, SaaS, and Azure. Learn More!
Click here Learn Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL and more – Just $99.99
Become an expert in Microsoft technologies with our library of 2,800+ practical training videos featuring Microsoft MVPs and experts. Just $99.99 for a limited time.
Click Here Dundas Dashboard v2.0 now available – Dundas Dashboard, a turnkey dashboard solution for the easy creation of interactive dashboards is here. Leveraging Silverlight technology, it provides an easy drag-and-drop design and all you need for rapid dashboard development. Get started now.

Weekly Poll Results

Are you planning on writing iPad / Slate / tablet specific software?

Survey period: 4 Oct 2010 to 11 Oct 2010

Everyone's rushing to release their answer to the iPad, but will you be writing software to run on these devices? (specifically: client apps, not just making your website work nicely on the devices)

Yes, I already do104.4610 votes, 4.46%
Yes, within the next 3 months94.029 votes, 4.02%
Yes, within the next 6 months94.029 votes, 4.02%
Yes, within the next year31.343 votes, 1.34%
Yes, probably, eventually2310.2723 votes, 10.27%
Maybe3314.7333 votes, 14.73%
No13761.16137 votes, 61.16%

Most popular new articles 27 Sep 2010 - 4 Oct 2010

Latest Additions

200 articles overall 153 new, 93 updated, 0 moved. 23 were edited, 177 unedited
Article topics listed: C++

Too many articles? Visit your profile page to change your newsletter article filters.

New articles added Last week

Combo & List Boxes

Algorithms & Recipes

  • Polyline Simplification - Elmar de Koning
    A generic C++ implementation for n-dimensional Douglas-Peucker approximation
    C++, Windows, Linux, MacOS, Dev

Internet / Network

  • Embedding a webserver in your Win32/C++ application - JAMcLaughlin
    Embedding a webserver in your Win32/C++ application, using the Lacewing networking library. (Unedited)
    C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0, VC9.0, VC10.0), Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win2008, Win7, Win2008-R2), Win32, Dev

Articles updated added Last week

Files and Folders

List Controls


  • Print to TIFF - Pascal Damman
    Convert any document to TIFF using a printer driver
    C++, Windows, GDI+, Dev

Audio and Video

  • nVLC - Roman Ginzburg
    A .NET API for the libVLC interface so the vast majority of VLC functionality could be utilized in managed applications.
    C++, C#, XML, Windows, .NET, Dev

C / C++ Language



Algorithms & Recipes

  • Simple C++ XML parser - BratilaRazvan
    A Simple C++ XML parser with only the basic functionality. (Unedited)
    C++, XML, Windows, Win32, MFC, STL, Dev

Technical blogs added Last week

Dialogs and Windows

Web Services

Chris Maunder
The Code Project

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