Dear Alumni,

I am extremely sorry for writing to you all after a long gap, actually I got a little caught up with the submissions and exams. I am sending you the link of the pictures of the small informal Alumni meet that we had in college on the 17th of April 2010.


Thank you to all of those who could make it. It was a pleasure to have you with us, for the rest of you hope to see you guys in the future meets.

Lastly, I would like to say a goodbye to everybody as I guess this would probably be my last mail to all of you. My tenure of one year is come to an end. I hope I could manage to keep you guys up to date with the college activities and feel connected. The next person who takes up this post in the council will ensure that you are always in touch. It was a nice experience interacting with each one of you. If I made any mistakes I am sorry for it. Hope you have a great life ahead!!!!!!!

Anisha Mukhija
Secretary for Alumni Affairs
Students Council 2009-2010

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